Location chongqing
Constrction are 63533m2
The site located innorth of Xingai road in Yubei district. It is one mix-used block , whichcontains the headquarters building and a shopping mall.
The project design focuson two aspects: 1.Based on the site condition, commercial, office, conferencecenter , these three different functions are reasonable arrangement. 2. Findout the balance of commercial worth andcost, create a nice shopping space and make it opened to the market as soon aspossible.
Through usingset-back design, both inside and outside collaborative; sight Guide, imageexpand; commercial integration, within Street continued; couples first layercombined, upgrade value ,these fourdesign strategies get the site new innovation elements, use different elevationas space design clues, make the office building high light stable atmosphere ofimage, and pleasure of experience type commercial atmosphere, make it , becamenew landmarks on Xingai road.